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发布时间:2024-10-15 15:46:18编辑:樊绍晴来源:

导读 今天小编岚岚来为大家解答以上的问题。宫保鸡丁英语做菜步骤,宫保鸡丁做法中英文对照相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、...


1、原料: 鸡肉(一般选用鸡脯肉或者鸡腿肉)300克,炸熟的花生米50克,黄瓜, 干红辣椒20克,花椒2克,酱油20克,陴县豆瓣酱、姜片,生粉,鸡蛋一个、葱段、生姜粒、料酒、白糖(一丁点)。

2、 做法: 准备阶段: 1.将鸡肉去筋,剁十字花刀,切成小丁(不宜太大),装碗加酱油,盐,料酒码味后,再加鸡蛋清少许,用生粉拌匀待用。

3、 2.用酱油,白糖,醋,味精,清汤,水豆粉调成芡粉(不宜太浓)。

4、 3.干红辣椒去蒂去籽,切成节(懒惰者可以不用切)。

5、 附:花生米用温水泡一会,用油炸脆(注意火候,冷油下锅,不要服了,也不要不粹)。

6、 下锅: 4、锅内油炸至五成熟,下干辣椒,花椒,将鸡丁放入炒散捞出(时间不宜太长,因为要保持肉质的嫩滑), 5、留少许油在锅中,然后下干辣椒、花椒、豆瓣酱少许等香味溢出后放入鸡丁翻抄几下, 放姜片、葱等,烹入芡汁,快速翻炒,加入花生米翻炒,起锅装盘即成! 另外:如果想颜色不那么单调,可以加一点青黄瓜丁、大辣椒丁(青、红),不宜多,只是调节颜色。

7、 特点:成菜色泽金黄,鸡肉鲜嫩,花生米香脆,咸辣略带酸甜 Material:Chicken (usually use chicken breast or thigh meat) 300 grams, 50 grams of Zhashu of peanut, cucumber, dry red pepper 20 grams, 2 grams of pepper, soy sauce 20 grams, parapet County bean paste, ginger, raw powder , eggs, 1, scallion, ginger tablets, cooking wine, sugar (a little bit).Practices:Preparation phase:1. The chicken to the ribs, cutting crosswise knife, cut into Xiaoding (not much), loaded bowl add soy sauce, salt, cooking wine yards taste, together with the egg a bit stand-sheng powder mix well.2. With soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, MSG, broth, water, transferred into Qianfen soybean meal (not too strong).3. Dried red pepper seeded remove stalks, cut into sections (lazy can not cut).Attachment: peanuts with warm water for a while, with deep-fried crisp (note the furnace, cold oil the pot, do not wear, and rather than having Tsui).The pot:4, pan fried to five mature, the next dry chili, pepper, fish out the chicken into the causal (time not too long, because to maintain the tender and succulent),5, leaving a little oil in the pot, and then dried under the hot pepper, pepper, bean paste, etc. smell a little after the spill turned into Chicken copied several times,Put ginger, onions, etc. into the qian cooking sauce, quick stir fry, add peanut stir fry, clean wok transfer to a plate Serve!Also: If you want the color not so monotonous, you can add a little green cucumber Ding, Ding Tai peppers (green, red), not much, merely adjust the color.Features: golden color into a dish, chicken is tender, peanuts crispy, slightly sweet and sour Xianla。



